IELTS Speaking Test Success: 17 Proven Preparation Tips

A test of English language proficiency is the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). In certain English- speaking nations, including Canada, the UK, and the USA, this test is required for immigration and admission to higher education.

Four categories make up the test: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. This blog will provide you with helpful advice to help you perform well on the test while explaining the insights in IELTS speaking preparation.

There are three aspects to the IELTS speaking exam.

Describe yourself in Part 1 by providing some foundational details. The examiner also asks you to speak on several well-known subjects, like family, work, etc.

In Part2 of the IELTS speaking. You will be given a task card with the topic on which you will talk for two minutes as part of the IELTS speaking section.

In Part3 of the IELTS speaking the discussion portion of IELTS Speaking requires you to speak for 4-5 minutes about problems associated with the assigned topic.

Concentrated practice for at least three to four weeks is essential for IELTS speaking preparation. You can acquire perspective on the speaking test by using a helpful resource like this one. During the IELTS speaking test, you will encounter a number of difficulties.

IELTS Speaking Exam Pattern

Three parts of the IELTS speaking section are

Part 1 will take place in an interview setting, during which you will be asked to introduce yourself and the examiner will ask you some common inquiries about your family, career, etc.

In part 2 of the speaking test, you will be handed a card with a specific and you will be required to talk about that topic.

In part 3 of the speaking test, examiner will ask questions to know person’s opinion on the same topic given in part 2. If requested in part 3, you must offer suggestions and remedies for the problems.


Topic, Description, Time & Duration, The overall speaking portion of IELTS lasts for a total of 11 to 14 minutes. Examiner is the one who decide the duration of interview.

IELTS Speaking Section, Part 1 identify yourself and respond to the questions posed by the examiners. 4.5-7 minutes

IELTS Speaking Section, Part 2 you have one minute to prepare for the topic and you must talk for two minutes about it three minutes.

IELTS Speaking Section, Part 3 Conversation on the subject 4.5-7 minutes

Total IELTS Speaking Section Scores Band scores are used to compute the IELTS speaking exam results. Band 9 is the overall score for the IELTS speaking section. Band 9 is the highest possible band score for a pupil. The band score is in the range of 0 to 9. Some of the criteria used for scoring include grammatical range and accuracy, pronunciation, fluency and cohesion, and the utilization of lexical resources. The scores are provided in a cumulative form after the marks assigned for each criterion are tallied.

How are the grades determined?

IELTS speaking test scores are determined using a set of guidelines. While you speak, these requirements should be met. The necessary requirements are Coherence and fluidity, Lexical resources Pronunciation, Grammar variety and Accuracy.These are the key elements that determine you’re speaking score on the IELTS. Each criterion is assessed independently, and the marks are then summed and multiplied by four.

Top IELTS Speaking Section Preparation Guidance

  • Acknowledge the test’s structure and study the provided regulations.
  • Read a lot of well-written books, blogs, and articles. Reading expands your vocabulary and provides you a sense of how to speak English.
  • Try to alter your voice modulations to fit the sentence’s content. Avoid being monotone in your speech.
  • During the speaking portion of the test, avoid using long or complex vocabulary. You could end up forgetting the speech’s actual context as a result.
  • Watch English news stations and videos with quality English material to get a feel for the language’s flow.
  • Talking filler words should be avoided. The examiner thinks that using filler words when speaking does not sound professional.
  • The accent is not a cause for concern. The IELTS examiners are familiar with all accents and are at ease with all of them.
  • When getting ready, try using English with your friends, family, and environment to improve the language’s flow.
  • Make a recording of your speech, note any mistakes you make, and work to fix them. Pronounce each word loudly and clearly.
  • Never commit the solutions to memory. Make an effort to immediately understand the question and response. Examiners can tell if you have remembered the answers if you have.
  • Keep your speech consistent and avoid switching between contexts as you speak.
  • Correctly use a range of grammatical constructions. Use only if you are certain of the sentence’s accuracy.
  • In the speaking test, there are no such things as correct or wrong responses. Boldly express your ideas and opinions.
  • Don’t keep repeating the words from the question while providing your answers.
  • Make a schedule for your speaking preparation for the IELTS exam. Plan out the time you will need to prepare for the IELTS speaking exam.
  • Answer the questions in a friendly manner. Avoid speaking to the examiner with a lifeless look that is unpleasant.
  • Utilize the learning resources with which you are most familiar. Books, blogs on the internet, video courses, and consultants are all over the place.

Finally, practice. Without daily practise, it is hard to succeed on the IELTS speaking test.

How can I enhance my fluency and coherence scores?

  1. Be assured in the language you use when speaking.
  2. Don’t commit the language or the structure to memory.
  3. When responding, try shortening your sentences. Stay on the important issues and avoid veering off topic in order to be cohesive.

How can I enhance my Lexical Resource score?

While speaking, avoid using the same words repeatedly.

  1. Be mindful of the language you choose; use the appropriate word for the situation.
  2. Use only the words that are not in the supplied question.
  3. Before you talk, be aware of the word’s or sentence’s meaning.

How can I enhance my pronunciation score?

  1. Take your time when speaking.
  2. Be precise in what you say.
  3. While speaking, record yourself, and then correct any mistakes.
  4. Watch or listen to public speakers’ speeches.

Put more emphasis on the words based on the situation.

How to increase the score for Grammatical Range and Accuracy?

  1. Usage of complex sentence structures will boost your score.
  2. Usage of a wide range of grammatical structures and vocabulary is important.
  3. Use the correct tenses wherever required
  4. Using future tense while speaking on task 3 will help you follow up on the context.
  5. Best Books for IELTS Speaking Section Preparation
  6. Reading books will develop your speaking skill in English. Referring to a book to prepare for the IELTS speaking test will boost your confidence in writing. There are several books out there, especially for IELTS training. Practicing through books opens up a wider perspective in speaking. The following books guide you on how to score better in your IELTS speaking test.

The books listed below offer advice on how to perform better on the IELTS speaking test.

1. Achieve 9 bands in speaking

This book was written by Cambridge-based IELTS consultants. This book provides the author’s tested portions of each speaking exam segment together with transcripts of candidates who performed spoken responses at a band 9 standard.

The Amazon online delivery app has this book available for purchase.

2. IELTS Speaking by Sampath Bandara

Sampath Bandara’s IELTS speaking guide is a resource for achieving a band score of 8 or higher. This book includes a number of subjects with model responses. The majority of the topics come with a variety of sample replies so that the students can choose what suits them best. This book was published independently by Create Space and is also offered online by retailers like Flipkart and Rediff Books.

3. IELTS speaking score of 8.5 overall

This book, which was written by Marc Roche, was just released in 2020 by Amazon Digital Services. This book’s main goal is to provide advice on how to meet all of the criteria utilised by the examiner during the examination in order to receive an 8.5 band score.

4. IELTS Collins Speaking

This book is a great resource for IELTS speaking practise. Karen Kovacs, an IELTS expert with solid linguistics knowledge, is the author of the book. The book is offered on online retailers like Flipkart and Infibeam and was published by Harper Collins.

5. Official IELTS preparation resources

Some of the top organisations in the international education sector contributed to this publication. This book includes contributions from a number of organisations, including the British Council, IDP, Cambridge University, and others. The goal of this book is to give the candidate a brief overview of the exam. The Klett Sprachen GmbH released this book, which is offered on websites like Flipkart. This book’s paperback edition includes a CD that gives you a visual learning experience.

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