Northern Ireland is a United Kingdom constituent country. It shares a border with the Republic of Ireland. With a population of 1.91 million, the country covers a massive area of 14,130 sq. km. Belfast serves as the national capital and is the largest city in the country. Irish and English serve as the country’s official languages. The nation carries a rich heritage and an incredible history behind its name and is famous for its delicious food. Northern Ireland is known for its art and vibrant culture.
The country is also one of the friendliest countries and takes its hospitability seriously. As an ancient country, the landscape of Northern Ireland is rugged, wild and simply magical.
Additionally, Northern Ireland offers exemplary educational and professional opportunities. The key sectors in the country include a multitude of sectors like aerospace & engineering, health technology and agriculture. Moreover, Northern Ireland is among the top exporters of Medicinal and pharmaceutical products along with organic chemicals and various electronic machinery appliances.
The country has an exceptional education system. The universities and colleges in the region are some of the best in the field. With ample exposure to research and pragmatic skills, Northern Ireland is simply one of the best places to kick-start your professional career.